Liu Bolin
Moses, San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome (2018)
Ink-jet print
44,3 x 59 / 35,4 x 47,2 / 26,8 x 35,4 in
Edition of 6

Cod. 67
-'Liu Bolin. Hiding in Florence', Maretti Editore, 2023, page 49, ISBN 9788893970952.
-'Liu Bolin. Visible/Invisible', curated by Beatrice Benedetti, Milan, 2019, Pages 66-67, ISBN 9788866484318.

The artwork, realised in May 2018, Moses, San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome (Mosè, San Pietro in Vincoli) is particularly meaningful in the production of Liu Bolin, given that the Beijing artist began as a sculptor his artistic career, and thanks to this artwork he had the possibility to himself with the sculptor par excellence: Michelangelo. The colossal statue carved in 1513, initially was conceived for to adorn the tomb of pope Julius II. The artwork depicts Moses sitting with the Tablets of the Law under his arm, while his other hand strokes his long beard, which according to Vasari was carved with such perfection that it seems more a "work of brush than chisel". The moment represented by Michelangelo is the onen following the delivery of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, when Moses finds the Israelites intent in worshiping the golden calf. Moses' anger is perfectly expressed by his eyes and tensed muscles that appear to give life to the marble. Mosè, San Pietro in Vincoli, Roma won the BNL Prize BNP Group Paribas on the occasion of Mia Photo Fair 2019 and became part of BNL's collection.

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