Liu Bolin
Target - Future (2015)
Ink-jet print
39,4 x 78,8 / 29,5 x 59 in
Edition of 6

Cod. 53
-'Liu Bolin. Hiding in Florence', Maretti Editore, 2023, page 107, ISBN 9788893970952.
-'FUTURO. Arte e società dagli anni Sessanta a domani', curated by Luca Beatrice and Walter Guadagnini, Edizioni Gallerie d'Italia Skira, Milan, 2020, page 136, ISBN 9788857244044.
-'Liu Bolin. Visible/Invisible', curated by Beatrice Benedetti, Milan, 2019, Pages 80-81, ISBN 9788866484318.
- 'Hiding to Know. Liu Bolin', curated by Raffaele Gavarro, essays by Raffaele Gavarro, Beatrice Benedetti, Francesca Tarocco and Liu Bolin, Arthemisia Books, Grafiche Aurora, Verona, 2018, Pages 150-151, ISBN 9788885773035.

Recalling the ancestral roots of African migrants and the ritual body-painting of some tribes, Liu Bolin has chosen to paint the word "Future" on the naked torso of each of the participants in the performance, «demonstrating - recalls Liu Bolin - that every person, to achieve better living conditions, is prepared to face any kind of adventure, also the most dangerous, taking a fundamental decision which sometimes results in the risk of losing life itself».

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