Liu Bolin
Hiding in Italy - UE Flag (2008)
Lambda print
55 x 39,4 in
Edition of 4

Cod. 2
-'Liu Bolin. Hiding in Florence', Maretti Editore, 2023, page 103, ISBN 9788893970952.
- 'Hiding to Know. Liu Bolin', curated by Raffaele Gavarro, essays by Raffaele Gavarro, Beatrice Benedetti, Francesca Tarocco and Liu Bolin, Arthemisia Books, Grafiche Aurora, Verona, 2018, Page 107, ISBN 9788885773035.
- 'Hiding in Italy', essays by Beatrice Benedetti and Nicola Ricciardi, Brescia, Shin Productions, 2010, ISBN 9788889477885.
- 'A Secret Tour', curated by Raffaele Gavarro, San Marino, Maretti Editore, 2012, ISBN 9788889477885, page 45.
- 'Hide and Seek', essays by Francesca Tarocco, Beatrice Benedetti and Liu Bolin, Brescia, Shin Production, 2009, ISBN 8889005569.

In 2005, the Beijing administration decided to tear down Suojia Village, a district in the north-eastern part of the city with many artist' studios- among them, the studio of Liu Bolin. This traumatic event drove him to seek out an artistic modality that could express his feelings. He had himself painted as part of those ruins and had himself photographed perfectly still among them. This was his first step to create a deeply personal language that encompasses performance, painting, installation and photography. The conceptual intentions of his project are already apparent in this pioneer work: behind the seemingly simplicity of camouflage lies the will to persue a process of ever-increasing awareness through the superimposition of his identity with the one of the context surrounding him. In the photo UE Flag Liu Bolin overlaps into the transnational identity represented by the European Union flag, one of the most important economical and political powers of the world.

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