Liu Bolin. Visible/Invisible
Hiding in the Italy - Teatro alla Scala n°1 (2010)
Lambda print
90 x 90 cm
Edition of 4

Cod. 25
-'Liu Bolin. Visible/Invisible', curated by Beatrice Benedetti, Milan, 2019, Page 32, ISBN 9788866484318.
- 'Hiding to Know. Liu Bolin', curated by Raffaele Gavarro, essays by Raffaele Gavarro, Beatrice Benedetti, Francesca Tarocco and Liu Bolin, Arthemisia Books, Grafiche Aurora, Verona, 2018, Page 90, ISBN 9788885773035.
- 'Hiding in Italy', essays by Beatrice Benedetti and Nicola Ricciardi, Shin Productions, Brescia, 2010, ISBN 9788889477885.
- 'A Secret Tour', curated by Raffaele Gavarro, Maretti Editore, San Marino 2012, ISBN 9788889477885, Page 61.
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