Camouflage. In nature and in Liu Bolin's art
Target - Memory Day (2015)
Ink-jet print
59 x 78,7 / 44,3 x 59 in
Edition of 6

Cod. 54
-'Liu Bolin. Hiding in Florence', Maretti Editore, 2023, page 111, ISBN 9788893970952.
-'Liu Bolin. Visible/Invisible', curated by Beatrice Benedetti, Milan, 2019, Pages 19-82-83, ISBN 9788866484318.
-'Hiding to Know. Liu Bolin', curated by Raffaele Gavarro, essays by Raffaele Gavarro, Beatrice Benedetti, Francesca Tarocco and Liu Bolin, Arthemisia Books, Grafiche Aurora, Verona, 2018, Pages 156-157, ISBN 9788885773035.

The scenario of the tragedy evoked by The Hope, the shipwreck of a fishing boat on the Lido Verde of Catania where six Egyptian children lost their lives, provides the second background to the Liu Bolin’s photographic art piece Memory Day. «Being immigrants lying on the sand - says Liu Bolin -, for someone they may seem dead; instead my intent is to describe their arrival and the start of their future». Compared to the most famous and longest-running series Hiding in the City, where Liu Bolin is the focus of the photographic subject, the evolution of his shots called Target series provides for the disappearance of more people in the context, in line with the content.

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